ELEMENTAL SILVER - The pure metal silver as in coins.
COLLOIDAL SILVER - Ions (positively charged) of silver
dispersed in water.
COMPOUND - A chemically bonded combination of two or
more different elements. Properties are distinct
from those of the constituents.
ION - The smallest particle of an element and having
a positive charge, thus making it reactive.
CELTIC SEA SALT - Salt from the Celtic Sea, containing many compounds
besides the normal sodium chloride in table salt.
TROY OUNCE - Unit of weight for nobel metals. 12 Troy Ounces = 1 Pound.
PPM - Parts Per Million by weight of a mixture such as 5 oz silver in
1,000,000 oz. water is 5 PPM.
SOLUTION - One material dissolved in another, such as salt in water.
SUSPENSION - One material uniformly 'floating' in another.
"IONIC SILVER GT" pilihan tepat untuk kesehatan anda sekeluarga
Senin, 28 Februari 2011
Colloidal Silver acts as a powerful, broad-spectrum antimicrobial
agent. An ordinary antibiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease
organisms (no viruses), but colloidal silver is known to be effective
against over 650 disease organisms without causing any known side-effects.
A normal individual excretes 98% of ionic colloidal silver in 24 hours,
which accounts for part of its safety. Many essential minerals such as
copper and iron are released very slowly and thus an overdose can cause
long term problems!
Early studies showed extremely low concentrations of 0.01-0.04 PPM
of colloidal silver to be effective on hundreds of bacteria and 3 to 5 PPM
effective on over 650! The potency or quality varied widely, which accounted
for the broad range, and sadly is still a problem with much of the cheap
colloidal silver generator equipment and weird procedures available on the
internet. Adding salt, as many suggest, makes silver chloride, NOT recommended
for internal use, NOT a colloid and thus a poor medicine! The use of
high voltage AC is stupid, for a very low voltage DC process, and often
produces dangerous nitrogen compounds! There is not a single HVAC unit on
the market with UL or CSA approval for home use!
The EPA reference dose for daily lifetime consumption is (14)
teaspoons a day of 5 PPM colloidal silver. I.E. no danger or side effects
for an sensitive individual taking that dose daily for 70 years! The
generally accepted maintenance dose of one tablespoon/day is far less
then that. Many say that just 2 to 4 drops a day are effective
(Homeopathic dose). The fact that ionic colloidal silver has more ions of
silver per ounce then your body has cells makes your requirement very low.
There can of course be no standard as we all react differently and have
different microbial levels and intake. As a new user, be aware of the
Herxheimer effect, which any good antibacterial can cause. You may start
to feel better and then get the symptoms of the flu as your elimination
system is overloaded getting rid of dead pathogens. It is a very common
problem with bacteria such as spirochetes, as found with Lyme and syphilis
diseases but not with most pathogens.
The only know side effect (Argyria) would require a dose of many
ounces a day for a whole year, although we found no documented cases
where ionic colloidal silver caused Argyria, but it was usually from
compounds such as silver nitrate, the most common injectable form used by
doctors! The estimated fatal dose for humans from Goodman and Gillman is
10 grams of silver OR 500 gallons of 5 PPM in ONE DOSE! There are
cases of accidental ingestion of silver compounds in excess of (10 grams),
that have survived!
Research studies from 1912 to 1950's, showed concentrations of 3-5
parts per million (PPM) of colloidal silver to be effective. The ionic
(positively charged) nature is considered the primary benefiting feature
of Colloidal Silver, it being able to aggressively attach to microbial
agents, to kill them. In addition, its naturally small size, permits it
to pass thru cell membranes, which is the only way to get to a virus, as
they multiply in your cells, using your cells functions to replicate their DNA!
The non-ionic or elemental pure silver metal has very limited
antibacterial properties but no effect on virus as the particle size
is too large to pass thru cell membranes (the ionic particle size is
said to be 1/400 the size of a red blood cell).
Compounds of silver, such as silver nitrate are fairly effective
but highly dangerous due to the toxic side effects of nitrates, thus finding
most medical use as an external or topical treatment, such as salves
and in newborn's eyes to prevent infection. The ionic colloidal form can
not be made in strengths greater then 25 PPM, as metallic silver
crystals will then form. Those honestly selling 50-500 PPM sell silver
protein (ions complexed with a protein) but it has a very short shelf life,
being subject to the growth of mold!
It has been shown that the ion of silver is 300 to 17,000 times more
effective then metallic silver or silver salts! One study by the
Canadian Government clearly demonstrated the effacy of the ionic form:
Ions are of course the smallest possible particle of silver and have a
positive charge, due to their being short an electron, greatly aiding
their reactivity and bio-availability.
By 1940 there were over 50 silver based medicines on the market in
oral, injectable and topical forms. Many may still be available such as:
Albargin, Argonin, Argyrol, Largin, Lumosol, Novargan, Proganol and Silvol.
Few of these were colloids (the most effective form), many had limited
shelf life and none were as effective as silver nitrate (bad side effects).
All medicines have side effects which must be closely watched
as many can be very serious, but few are as safe as colloidal silver! The
PDR(Physicians Desk Reference) and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
lists only Argyria for silver, silver colloids or compounds, but only at
extreme doses. They also indicate no cases of cancer formation! My heart
medicine lists 3% chance of liver failure (I die?) amongst dozens of
other serious risks, with very low doses! Extra strength Tylanol is said
to be fatal with just 11 tablets, causing liver failure! Two law suits
involving user deaths from less then 6 tablets were settled for millions
of dollars.
Colloidal Silver is a solution in which microscopic, electrically
charged particles of Silver are in suspension, due to their zeta
charges repelling each other. Free positively charged ions or monovalent
silver also are present, the more effective form of silver! We try to
optimize the production of those free ions, in our generator.
A true colloid is very stable and has a long shelf life (years), while
poorly produced product has few free ions and many clumps or crystals
of silver or silver compounds which have a very short shelf life (the
silver settles out), large size of particles and thus very limited
bio-availability or effectiveness.
For the many features and benefits of the ionic form, see out web page
about ions, atoms, etc.
Electrolysis, of pure water with a silver electrode, strips ions of
silver from the positive electrode and places them in solution. Being
positively charged, they are attracted to the cathode or ground electrode
but have a very slow speed due to the water resistance.
The cathode should be stainless steel to avoid contamination. Ideally most
Ions remain in solution but some make it to the cathode, which must be cleaned
after use, of the soft deposit of silver.
To produce a pure product at 3-5 PPM you must use very pure water
(less then 1 PPM) and at least 99.9% pure silver. Current flow must be
carefully controlled to prevent crystalline growth of silver into large
molecules rather then free ions. Most generators and suggested methods
(salting) on the market today fail to produce an ionic Colloidal Silver!
Electrolytically formed Colloidal Silver was the only form approved by
the FDA, but some products on the market use finely ground silver or
chemically dissolved silver, neither of which are active ions or have
the exceptional properties of the colloidal or ionic form. The current
rage is High Voltage AC "colloidal silver", which is a carnival approach
to a simple process requiring a few volts of DC! It produces a very
questionable solution with often very depressed pH from nitrogen breakdown
product in the high temperature arc.
Water from your faucet has 100 to 300 PPM of dissolved solids and
thus could not be used to produce 3 to 5 PPM of Colloidal Silver. What
you would get is no ions and over 100 PPM of silver compounds. You must use
distilled or de-ionized water (usually less then 1 PPM of contamination)
so you produce ions (a Colloid) and almost no compounds. At the 1 PPM
levels almost nothing would be dangerous, while at 100 PPM the compounds
produced could be dangerous levels for human consumption.
Many generator manufacturers suggest adding Celtic Sea salt to pure
water to speedup the process but the product produced has no ions of
silver, just compounds of silver, many of which have limited benefit
or are dangerous to your health, i.e. silver chloride, silver nitrate, etc.
You may recall silver nitrate is used at birth to flush the eyes of babies
to prevent infection but it is not recommended for internal consumption, as
the nitrates are very dangerous! Silver chloride is nearly insoluable in
water and thus the silver is not bio-available!
The greatest misrepresentation of Colloidal Silver products is
particle sizing. If any of the silver particles are larger than 0.001
microns (an ions size), they can remain within the tissues and cause a
bluing of the skin developing into a condition called Argyria. Ionic
silver (as produced by our generator) has been shown to be 92 - 98%
excreted in 24 hours! Many of the generators on the market produce silver
crystals or compounds, all of which are too large and should not be used!
Having no charge, they are non-active, ineffective and potentially harmful.
Colloidal Silver is known to kill 650 different kinds of pathogens,
including bacteria, fungus and viruses in addition to many others. This
is accomplished by inhibiting the enzyme which allows the oxygen
metabolism in single celled microbes. It does so in minutes, safely,
with no side effects and no resistant strains developed, as with
Humans (and other animals) absorb it so rapidly due to its small ion size
that it is absorbed by the blood before it can reach the gut (antibiotics
very large molecules absorb so slowly they travel into the gut and kill
your normal friendly bacteria (needed for good health in the intestines).
Early medical research indicated silver is stored in the Kupfer
cells in the liver. These cells are one of the bodies defense mechanisms
against infection. Little mention is found in current literature of this
very important added effectiveness of silver.
The generally recommended maintenance dosage for adults is one
tablespoon per day of 3-5 PPM Colloidal Silver internally. This happens
to be the computed amount of elemental silver we used to get from eating
fresh fruits and vegetables when they were part or our diet in the early
1900's. Since then soil depletion caused by over farming has seriously
reduced all trace minerals, including silver, by 85%.
To treat an infection, much larger doses are suggested, but no
standard can be found. There have been studies where taking (8) ounces
a day for weeks produced no negative side effects, however, in a few
rare cases kill off of friendly intestinal bacteria occurred. This is
a normal problem with antibiotics! We have a customer who had a severe
liver infection which was considered untreatable by his Doctor but it
cleared up in two weeks with a dose of 32 ounces/day! The most common
mention of dosage for treating serious infections is a tablespoon every
few hours or an ounce a day for a few days. Remember, the EPA says 4+
tablespoons a day for 70 years (of 5 PPM colloid) is a safe and acceptable
intake of silver. A few studies have shown the liver filters out silver
from the blood stream close to 95% in just two hours, so if ill you should
yake some every two hours!
The small particle size allows sub-lingual adsorption directly
into the blood stream, by swishing it around your mouth. Excess ions
of silver are said to be released thru normal elimination within 5
days. Only the large (non-ionic) silver particles produced by inferior
manufacture methods are retained by the body but the worse case side
effect is bluing of the skin after a year of excessive consumption. The
bad thing is that the larger particles are of little medicinal benefit!
Medical applications by doctors often require direct injection
into an infected site such as a gangrene area. Many cases have been
reported of avoiding amputation of infected limbs when treatment with
Colloidal Silver was initiated.
Dr.Henry Crooks (Use of Colloids in Health-Disease) found that
silver in the colloidal state is highly germicidal, quite harmless to
humans and absolutely non-toxic. From his bacteriological experiments
with silver he concluded, "I know of no microbe that is not killed
in laboratory experiments in six minutes".
Brooks Bradley reported: "Several years ago we conducted some rather
extensive evaluations of various protocols promising effective results
against various pathogenic agents which cause "food poisoning". The
one protocol, effective against ALL agents evaluated, was colloidal
silver. A 5 ppm solution proved effective against all pathogens tested;
yielding complete control within 6 to 8 minutes.....regardless of
concentration of the pathogenic agent. Control was effected in some
solutions as weak as one part of 5 ppm CS,to 50,000 parts contaminated
solution. Among the many agents tested were botulinum, campyobacter,
salmonella and listeria (bacterial agents); and norwalklike viruses
and hepatitus A (viral agents). Although we did not conduct researches
involving the marine form of vibrio vulnificus, generally regarded as
the most toxic of food poisons, a facility associated with us---did.
Their results, using colloidal silver at 5 ppm, paralleled those of
ours....on the pathogens we evaluated."
"Among a number of metal ions tested, Zn2+(zinc), Cu2+(copper), and
Ag1+(silver) were found to be the most effective inhibitors of renin
and the HIV protease (data not shown). Kinetic analysis revealed that
inhibition of renin by Ag1+(silver) is basically identical with that
seen with Zn2+(zinc), i. e., noncompetitive, first order with respect
to the metal." Biochemistry, September 10, 1991.
From this study, it seems that zinc and silver will work together to
destroy the HIV virus, both type 1 and type 2. Both kill HIV virus,
but don't compete against each other.
they recently issued a "FDA Talk Paper" stating that "all OTC (over the
counter)products containing colloidal silver or silver salts are not
recognized as safe and effective and are misbranded." Basically, they
have blocked the sale of colloidal silver as a drug - no health claims
can be made and it thus must be sold only as a supplement!
AS DID THE BRITISH. In Australia it is still common for settlers to
suspend a piece of silverware in their water tanks to retard spoilage.
Colloidal silver was found effective against - Germs, Bacteria,
infections, parasites, giardia, viruses, fungus and pathogens including:
Allergies, Acne, Athlete's foot, Bladder infections, Inflammation, Blood
Parasites, Blood-Poison, Boils, Burns, Candide Yeast
Infection, Chilblains, Cholera, Conjunctivitis, Cold Sores, Colitis,
Cyst-isis, Dermatitis, Diabetes caused by infection, Diphtheria, Diarrhea,
Dermatitis, Dysentery, Eczema, Fibrosities, Gangrene, Gonorrhea, Herpes,
HIV Virus, Impetigo, Influenza, Indigestion, Intestinal Infections,
Kreatitis, Leprosy, Leukemia, Lupus, Lymphangitis, Lyme Disease, Malaria,
Meningitis, Multiple Sclerosis, Neurasthenic, Parasitic Infections (oral
and fungal), Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Prostatitis, Priritis Ani, Psoriasis,
Purulence, Ophthalmia, Rhinitis, Rheumatism, Ring-worm,
Rosacea, Scarlet Fever, Septic Conditions of the eyes, ears, mouth and
throat, Sevorrhes, Shingles, Sinus Infections, Staph Infections, Strep
Infections, Stomach Ulcer, Syphilis, Thyroid, Tonsillitis, Toxemia,
Trachoma, Trench-Foot, Tuberculosis, Ulcers, All forms of Virus, Warts,
Whooping Cough and Yeast Infections.
If the government added it to our drinking water instead
of Fluoride we would all be far healthier!
The following are excerpts from "Colloidal Silver: The Amazing
alternative to Antibiotics" from The Association for Advanced Colloid
Research, and "Colloidal Silver: The Natural Antibiotic Alternative
" from Zane Baranowski, CN, Healing Wisdom Publications;
"And now it's silver that is finding wholly new uses as a wonder
drug in modern medicine...perhaps it soon will be recognized as:
OUR MIGHTIEST GERM FIGHTER " Science Digest, March, 1978
"We have had instant success with Colloidal Silver and immune
compromised patients. A few examples are: Pink eye (topical) totally
resolved in less than six hours; recurrent sinus infections (oral
ingestion) resolved in eight days; acute cuticle infections - (topical)
- twenty four hours. Another major area in which we have improved our
clinical results is in the area of bowel detoxification and dysbiosis.
The Colloidal Silver has provided excellent removal of abnormal intestinal
bacteria; also it has proved to be a great adjunct to our Candide
Albicans, Epstein Barr Virus and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome protocols
" Dr. Evan M., Kansas. "
"A 65 year-old diabetic cut himself on the leg. He washed and bandaged
it but, as often happens with diabetics, the pain persisted, and the cut
grew into a sore. Soon it became bigger than the bandage, and he had to
apply a dressing. Still, it grew bigger and ugly. In desperation he went
to a clinic. His sore was diagnosed as a 'Stasis Ulcer.' For a year, one
treatment after another was tried. Nothing, including Penicillin and
sulfonamide, could heal the ulcer. If his condition had continued
unchecked, his leg probably would have been amputated. But finally he
was referred to a clinic that treated skin ulcers with a silver compound.
This promptly stopped the growth of all bacteria. In less than two months,
the ulcer was completely healed."-Science Digest-March 1978.
"What we have actually done was rediscover the fact that silver
kills bacteria, which had been known for centuries. When antibiotics were
discovered, clinical uses for silver as an antibiotic were discarded"
concludes Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D. Extensive research into the curative
properties of silver has been conducted for many years at the Upstate
Medical Center, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y. under the direction
of above mentioned Dr. Becker. The experiments conclude that silver works
on a wide range of bacteria, without any known side-effects or damage to
the cells of the body. Silver was doing something more than killing
disease causing organisms. It was also causing major growth stimulation
of injured tissues. Dr. Becker concludes that the presence of the silver
ion may help to regenerate tissue, eliminate old or cancerous cell, and
any other diseased or abnormal condition.
The author has long believed that if we can restore our natural
immune system, our body can then rebuild damaged tissue as it
has during all of our growing years!
Dr. Leonard Keene Hirschberg, A. M., M. D. (John Hopkins) states,
"Speaking generally, the colloidal metals are especially remarkable
for their beneficial action in infective states"
Dr. Richard L. Davies, executive director of the Silver Institute,
which monitors silver technology in 37 countries, reports: "In four
years we've described 87 important new medical uses for silver. We're just
beginning to see to what extent silver can relieve suffering."
The FDA has just recently approved a few bandages containing silver,
and others are in field trials.
Human and other animal uses are well documented in many books,
health newsletters and health food stores. Among the assorted home uses
besides the above medical areas are:
general disinfectant in cleaning solutions, diaper pail, etc.
add to well or aerator water tank to kill bacteria and algae
add to stored foods or leftovers to prevent spoilage
add to bird baths and wading pools to prevent bacteria and algae
spray plants or wet soil to prevent mold and fungus damage
in the bathroom to spray on the sink and shower floor
in the kitchen for cleaning counter tops and the refrigerator
shelves and door seals
topically on skin
for your warts, cuts, bites and burns
Some applications are listed above and you may know neighbors whom
have had amazing cures with Colloidal Silver. As a general antiseptic, it
is handy to keep a small spray bottle in the bathrooms and kitchen.
In my home, I saved our goldfish which was floating on its
side and unresponsive to my touch, by changing the water and adding a
teaspoon of Colloidal Silver. In 4 hours he was able to wiggle and in
eight hours was back to normal and full of color again. I have taken just
2 days to cure gum infections from an impacted tooth and overnight to
cure itchy red rashes and dry flaky skin patches. These topical treatments
produce results in hours but need repeated treatment to kill off deep
infections. My life long problem with dandruff has finally ended since I
started spraying my hair each morning with 5 PPM colloid before combing it.
For a nose spray (mold and hay fever allergies) I squeezed out the
solution in a 1.5 oz. saline nasal spray and then stuck the tip in a ounce
of colloidal silver solution so it refilled. I only need to use this a few
times a week when my nose gets itchy/sneezy, to get relief.
Today, silver is used by the Soviets to sterilize recycled water
aboard the space stations. NASA also selected a silver water treatment
system for the space shuttle. Many of the world's airlines use silver
water filters to protect passengers from diseases such as Dysentery.
Colloidal Silver is growing in use for pool treatment to avoid the
bad side effects of chlorine, namely eye and nose irritation, respiratory
problems and dis-coloration of hair. Government regulations
stand in the way of wider use in public facilities, as they require a
residual chlorine level, which would mean dual treatment. SILDATE
(a powdered trivalent silver) is a commercial silver pool product
available at some pool supply stores. I dump leftover 5 PPM silver in my
pool and find it sharply reduces the chlorine required but also acts like
a flocculate and settles out dirt if I don't circulate for a few days.
Silvers strong anti-fungal properties have found extensive uses
in agriculture to improve germination and to accelerate growth and
development without the use of poisons to kill plant and ground fungi.
It also retards spoiling or rotting, making it quite effective in
treating feed before storage. Again, government regulations limit its
use, presumably to prevent buildup of undesirable levels in food products?
Yet they allow most meat products to be laced with antibiotics and growth
hormones. Cut flowers and Christams trees last much longer with Colloidal
Silver added, as the slimy rot is prevented, allowing water takeup.
In industry, it safely prevents fungal and bacterial growth in
process water and water based solvents, without being corrosive like
chlorine. Reduced exposure to infected solutions will of course reduce
job related sickness and absenteeism.
The best water purifiers employ silver filters for antimicrobial
treatment in addition to charcoal filters for odor and gas removal and
fine porous filters for solids removal. It is not commonly known, but
most inexpensive water filter systems become breeding grounds for
bacteria, as the filter is rarely changed often enough and the collected
solids become food for bacteria.
ELEMENTAL SILVER - The pure metal silver as in coins.
COLLOIDAL SILVER - Ions (positively charged) of silver
dispersed in water.
COMPOUND - A chemically bonded combination of two or
more different elements. Properties are distinct
from those of the constituents.
ION - The smallest particle of an element and having
a positive charge, thus making it reactive.
CELTIC SEA SALT - Salt from the Celtic Sea, containing many compounds
besides the normal sodium chloride in table salt.
TROY OUNCE - Unit of weight for nobel metals. 12 Troy Ounces = 1 Pound.
PPM - Parts Per Million by weight of a mixture such as 5 oz silver in
1,000,000 oz. water is 5 PPM.
SOLUTION - One material dissolved in another, such as salt in water.
SUSPENSION - One material uniformly 'floating' in another.
Read how to properly build a Colloidal Silver Generator
Guidelines for Prudent Dietary Silver Intake
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the average adult can consume 350 mcg of ionic silver daily for up to 70 years without any known risk, or take the equivalent dose of seven teaspoons of Ionic Silver daily. For more serious or persistent problems, a doctor may wish to gradually increase dosages and direct their patients to take from 3 to 8 tablespoons daily for a period of time. An average adult under medical supervision could in principle take such these dosages for up to 65 years with no definable risk! Ionic Silver water performs best when taken on an empty stomach, followed by food 25 minutes later.
Should people who are healthy and just want to remain that way consider supplementing with Ionic Silver water? And if so, "What is a prudent and adequate daily intake for dietary silver?" The daily value (DV) for silver has not been determined; it is not considered an essential mineral. However, for many years selenium was not considered essential, yet its many benefits begged the same question. When no DV amount has yet been determined, it is customary for scientists to look at the typical diet content for the mineral. Past studies have pointed out that average diets contain from 23 mcg to 88 mcg of silver daily. However, modern trends in agriculture have revealed an alarming decline in the mineral content of our foods since the1930's. From Senate Document No. 264 (1936) it states, "The alarming fact is that foods (fruits, vegetables and grains) now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain minerals are starving us - no matter how much of them we eat. No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the minerals he requires for perfect health because his stomach isn't big enough to hold them. The truth is that our foods vary enormously in value, and some of them aren't worth eating as food…Our physical well being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take into our systems than upon calories or vitamins or upon the precise proportions of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume."
In fact, up to 80% of the mineral content in our foods has been lost since the early part of the last century. Thus, our diet may be providing much less than 88 mcg silver daily. So what are reasonable guidelines for silver as a dietary supplement?
First, up to seven teaspoons daily may be safely taken for extended periods when immune support for bacterial, viral or fungal treatment is needed or desired.
Second, adjust for weight in younger adults and children as appropriate, typically one half the adult dose.
Third, one teaspoon but no more than 1 Tablespoon a day for general daily maintenance.
However, for those people working in the silver industry or for those exposed to silver compounds regularly or for long periods, only a doctor should direct Ionic Silver supplementation.
In summary, the Ionic Silver water formulation enables the consumer, as well as the doctor, to create highly individualized supplement protocols, which should be of great benefit to all our customers.
Disclaimer required by the FDA: This article is for educational use only and is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. The reader is advised to consult with their doctor for medical concerns. Additionally, this information has not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat ,or cure any disease.
Silver Shown To Check Cancer
Today's best Ionic silver products are inexpensive, safe and extraordinarily effective as a dietary supplement. For example, at 10 particles per million (ppm) silver formulations have demonstrated the ability to unravel and check rogue cancer cells in the test tube. Public reports from seven top universities, such as Medical College of Ohio and Tulane, all confirmed silver's powerful counter effects against human lymphoma cells, melanoma, breast and prostate carcinoma, and even osteosarcoma cells. Of course this exciting research will require real life studies before its benefits can be completely determined. Just think what our 100+ PPM will do for you!!!
Silver and Regeneration
Scientists have found that regeneration in humans occurs chiefly in the liver, spleen and bone tissues. However, recent medical research suggests that silver could regenerate other human tissues as well. The renowned medical authority on regeneration, Dr. Robert Becker in his book Body Electric, states that we have only scratched the surface regarding silver's medicinal brilliance. Throughout his many publications his work suggests that our diet needs silver for optimal health and repair. Adding Ionic silver to our diet may be one major key to thwarting the effects of aging. Silver overcomes the main obstacles to mammalian regeneration in the following ways: (1) it destroys infections that block self-healing, (2) at the same time, silver activates and directs dormant stems cells to begin their marvelous feats of regeneration!
Jumat, 25 Februari 2011
"IONIC SILVER GT" pilihan tepat untuk kesehatan anda: pengobatan penyakit autoimmune dengan ionic silver...
pengobatan penyakit autoimmune dengan ionic silver

pengobatan penyakit autoimmune dengan ionic silver
Harvard Medical School Researchers Discover How Gold and Other Medicinal Metals in its Class Function Against Rheumatoid Arthritis and other Autoimmune Diseases
Finding Makes Possible A New, More Effective Generation of Gold-based Drugs With Fewer Side Effects
BOSTON-February 26, 2006-Gold compounds have been used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases for more than 75 years, but until now, how the metals work has been a mystery. Harvard Medical School researchers report in the Feb. 27 issue of Nature Chemical Biology that special forms of gold, platinum, and other classes of medicinal metals work by stripping bacteria and virus particles from the grasp of a key immune system protein. "We were searching for a new drug to treat autoimmune diseases," says Brian DeDecker, PhD, HMS post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Cell Biology and a study co-author. At the time of this work, DeDecker was in the Harvard Medical School Institute of Chemistry and Cell Biology, which uses powerful chemical tools to illuminate complex biological processes and provide new leads for drug development. "But instead we discovered a biochemical mechanism that may help explain how an old drug works."
DeDecker and co-author Stephen De Wall, PhD, undertook a large-scale search for new drugs that would suppress the function of an important component of the immune system, MHC class II proteins, which are associated with autoimmune diseases. MHC class II proteins normally hold pieces of invading bacteria and virus on the surface of specialized antigen presentation cells. Presentation of these pieces alerts other specialized recognition cells of the immune system called lymphocytes, which starts the normal immune response. Usually this response is limited to harmful bacteria and viruses, but sometimes this process goes awry and the immune system turns towards the body itself causing autoimmune diseases such as Juvenile diabetes, Lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis.
During their search through thousands of compounds they found that the known cancer drug, Cisplatin, a drug containing the metal platinum, directly stripped foreign molecules from the MHC class II protein. From there, they found that platinum was just one member of a class of metals, including a special form of gold, that all render MHC class II proteins inactive.
In subsequent experiments in cell culture, gold compounds were shown to render the immune system antigen presenting cells inactive, further strengthening this connection. These findings now give researches a mechanism of gold drug action that can be tested and explored directly in diseased tissues.
In 1890, a German doctor named Robert Koch found that gold effectively killed the bacteria that caused tuberculosis. In the 1930s, based on a widely held but probably erroneous connection at the time between tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis, a French doctor, Jacques Forestier, developed the use of gold drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Gold drugs have been used since then as an effective treatment for this and other autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, but treatment can take months for action and sometimes presents severe side effects which have diminished their use in recent years.
With this new understanding of how these metals function, it may now be possible to develop a new generation of gold-based drugs for treating rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases that are more effective with fewer side effects.
John Lacey
Harvard Medical School
Kamis, 24 Februari 2011
Terapi HIV/AIDS dengan ionic silver gt
My name is B. R. and I am a single bisexual male.. I was diagnosed HIV+ by Wishard Hospital here in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Before I was diagnosed HIV+ I was bed ridden with pneumonia for nearly 2 months and almost died. I discovered that I was HIV+ after going to Wishard Hospital sometime after my illness to have a large boil lanced on my back, at which time a nurse asked me if I would like to take a routine HIV blood test and I agreed.
About a week later an older black gentleman named Dave showed up at my door to give me the news that I was HIV+ and asked if I would want to sign on to the Wishard Advantage program which allows HIV+ people to fill protease inhibitor drug prescriptions for only $5.00 per prescription, rather than paying the thousands they would normally cost every 2 months. Of course I went for it.
Well, after being on the meds for about 3 years I began having problems with my pancreas and bladder, experiencing severe pain that would not go away, and I felt very fatigued requiring as much as 12 hours sleep a day. I began to become concerned and searched the internet for stories of people having similar problems and discovered there were, and worse, that some had died from pancreatic cancer as a result of prolonged use of the protease inhibitors. I then resolved to find an alternative form of medicine and again began searching the web.
That was when I read about colloidal silver. I read several blogs about silver that night and decided to give it a try. The next day I went to a local GNC store and bought a bottle of Silver Biotics and began taking the suggested 4 tablespoons per day (1 every 6 hrs.) for HIV+ people. I actually went off my meds that same day. I figured that if I was going to be living in pain the rest of my life, or worse die, then it was worth the gamble.
In less than a week the pain went away and I had alot more energy. Since colloidal silver is non-toxic, I also did an anal douche with it once a week for 3 months during the regimine and would highly suggest that other HIV+ people do the same. The reason is because HIV has been discovered to hide in the fertile growing area of the colon, where it replicates and then passes through the colon walls into the bloodstream in a continous cycle, which is why it is so difficult to treat. The colon is one of main nesting grounds in the body for HIV.
After 6 months of being off my meds and feeling much better I went back to Wishard for another HIV blood test. I never experienced such joy in my life 3 days afterward when I received a phone call from my doctor stating that I was HIV-. When I told my doctor that I had been off my meds for 6 months and on colloidal silver, he was in denial, stating that the test was most likely a false negative and that I should come in for another test. A false negative?! OK, a false positive is one thing, but a false negative? He then went on warning me that I was putting my life in jeopardy by going off my meds, blah, blah, blah...
It has been 1 year and 2 months since I went off my meds. I am still taking silver, but now only 2 teaspoons twice a day, just in case, and I have never felt better. I learned the lesson that doctors are in bed with Big Pharma and are basically closed-minded to alternative medicines, a lesson that once again nearly cost me my life.
If there is a God in heaven then He is certainly looking out for me, or I have nanotechnology to thank. Either way, I have yet another lease on life. ~ B. R., Indianapolis, IN, USA
kesaksian penderita gangguan lambung akibat virus
Stomach Flu Virus
From: Ann Minch
Date: April 23, 2010
Contact: None
Type of Silver Used: Unk.
I work for a county mental health department - a high stress and often germy environment. A virulent stomach flu was going around, and we had both staff and clients down with severe vomiting and diarrhea. I started getting it.
Being quickly overcome I rushed to the store after work for the usual supplies of 7-up, crackers and Pepto. I was praying I wouldn't throw up in the store, I was dizzy and felt terrible. I remembered having seen on the 'net something about colloidal silver being able to tackle many kinds of nasties, and since we are dreadfully understaffed I just don't have time to be out sick.
So on a whim, I ducked into a nearby GNC and picked up some CS. Within minutes of the very first dose, the nausea was COMPLETELY gone and by the next day I was fine! It totally staved off the hideous barf bug. I will never let my medicine cabinet be without colloidal silver!
bagaimana ionic silver gt menyembuhkan penyakit kanker
The information on this page should be read in its entirety. We don't think you'll see any information anywhere else as important as this regarding cancer and silver ions.
The following excerpts are from Dr. Robert O. Becker's books "The Body Electric" and "Cross Currents". Dr. Becker's work with silver was mainly to determine how cell regeneration occurred. He discovered that silver ions caused cancer cells to dedifferentiate and revert back to normal cells. When he discussed publishing his findings he was told to not publish or he would receive the wrath of those that didn't want this type of information to be known. He did publish and as a consequence lost all funding and subsequently went into retirement. Nevertheless, this information is priceless.
We have had several instances where people and animals with cancer had the cancers disappear in a short period of time and in all those cases no chemo or radiation was used. The only thing used was fairly large amounts of ionic/colloidal silver taken daily. We also have an instance of a 13 year old dog that was opened by a veterinarian and immediately sewn up with the comment "this dog will be gone in a few weeks". The dog had lumps all over its body and the vet stated the dog had hemangioma sarcoma. The dog was given CS as drinking water only and within a few days the cancers disappeared. The dog resumed its normal life and the last we heard it was still going strong at age 15. We subsequently lost contact but this shows that the placebo effect was not part of the response in this animal.
The Body Electric Chapter 8 Page 178
At this time, therefore, I must conclude that high-current electrodes (silver) might enhance the growth of any preexisting tumor cells in the electrical path unlike low-current silver, which when negative had no effect on, and when positive suspended mitosis of cancer cells in our lab.
Page 224 The Body Electric
In my group's experiments with human fibrosarcoma cells in vitro, negative and positive currents both speeded up growth by over 300 percent. On the other hand, as mentioned in Chapter 8, we found that we could suspend mitosis in the fibrosarcoma cells with silver ions injected by minute levels of positive current. During one day of exposure, the cells appeared to dedifferentiate completely, and they stopped dividing for a month without additional treatment, even though we changed the nutrient medium regularly. Obviously, this entire subject needs to be investigated more thoroughly.
Robert O. Becker M.D.
Pages 164-166 cross currents
By Dr. Robert O. Becker
"In each case, the nonunions healed even faster than they would have if negative electrical currents had been used. In addition, the soft tissues and skin healed at the same extraordinary rate. The electrically generated silver ion was doing something more than killing bacteria it was also causing major growth stimulation of tissues in the wound.
When we finally tracked down exactly what was happening, we found that as human fibroblast cells (which are common throughout the body) were exposed to the electrically generated silver ions, they dedifferentiated. They were then able to multiply at a great rate, producing large numbers of primitive, embryonic cells in the wound even in patients over fifty years of age. These "uncommitted" cells were then able to differentiate into whatever cell types were needed to heal the wound. So what we were in fact doing was turning on regeneration in human tissues, which I had thought we would never be able to do.
In our previous studies of regeneration, we had found that in human beings, only bone-marrow cells could dedifferentiate. Because there were so few such cells, we thought that any regeneration in human beings (other than fracture healing) was impossible. The dedifferentiation of the abundant fibroblast cells by electrically generated silver ions may provide us with the means to restore regeneration to human patients.
While I was excited at this serendipitous discovery, my patients could have cared less how the wounds were healed. They were simply delighted at the fact that, at long last, a treatment had worked. Perhaps the most important moral in this story is that it demonstrates that no one can tell in advance what will happen in a scientific experiment.
Electrochemical therapy for cancer
Actually, this circuitous pathway led us back to one of our original aims, the control of cancer growth. If the electrically generated silver ion dedifferentiated normal human fibroblast cells, would it also dedifferentiate human cancer cells? If so, we would have a way to duplicate in human beings. Dr. S. Meryl Rose's experiments with salamander cancers, in which dedifferentiated cancer cells dedifferentiated as normal cells. A lack of funds, unfortunately, prevented us from completing this work. However, we did find that some human cancer cells in culture appeared to dedifferentiate when exposed to these silver ions.
I also had a patient with a severe, chronic bone infection who had an associated cancer in the wound. He refused amputation, which would have been the treatment of choice, and insisted that I treat his infection with the silver technique. After three months, the infection was under control, and the cancer cells in the wound appeared to have changed back to normal. When I last heard from him, eight years after the treatment, he was still fine.
It is important to realize that this is not simply an electrical effect, but the result of the combined action of the electrical voltage and the electrically generated silver ions. It is an electrochemical treatment. While we do not have firm evidence at this time, what probably happens is that the silver ion is shaped so as to connect with some receptor group on the surface of the cancer-cell membrane. After that connection is made, an electrical-charge transfer sends a signal to the nucleus of the cancer cell that activates the primitive-type genes, and the cell dedifferentiates. In that state it awaits instructions as to what it is to become. The process is exactly the same as that in Rose's experiments, except that in this case the dedifferentiation is caused by the unexpected action of the positive silver ions.
This technique obviously requires more study before any clinical use can be made of its antitumor effect. However, it does appear to be a promising lead in an otherwise rather grim picture."
Some people have made statements that silver is a heavy metal and can induce cancer. Nothing is further from the truth. Here is an excellent rebuttal to one detractor of silver named Jonathan Campbell . Marshal Dudley researched the silver/cancer claims and here is his information. http://www.silver-colloids.com/Pubs/dark-side-rebutal.htm
Cara Kerja Ionic Silver Gt (Oligodynamic Ag+) Sebagai Antimikroba
Bakteri merupakan makhluk hidup yang terdapat dimana-mana… dalam udara yang kita hirup, di tanah yang kita pijak dan tentu saja dalam tubuh kita. Bahkan sebenarnya, kita sepenuhnya hidup ditengah-tengah dunia trilyunan bakteri yang tidak tampak oleh mata kita. Bakteri berasal dari kata Bakterion (yunani = batang kecil). Di dalam klasifikasi, bakteri digolongkan dalam Divisio Schizomycetes.
Bakteri adalah organisme bersel satu yang terlalu kecil untuk dapat dilihat oleh mata kita kecuali dengan bantuan mikroskop. Mereka berukuran micron (1/1000 mm). Seperti juga makhluk hidup lain, bakteri membutuhkan makanan, air dan suhu yang sesuai untuk hidup dan berkembang biak. Terkadang makhluk kecil ini hidup damai dengan sesamanya tetapi ada kalanya mereka terlibat peperangan antara hidup dan mati untuk memperebutkan makanan dan tempat untuk hidup. Kita tidak dapat secara langsung melihat, mendengar ataupun merasakan drama kehidupan bakteri ini, tetapi mereka mempunyai berbagai cara supaya kehadirannya dapat kita rasakan.
Mungkin kita mengira bahwa bakteri adalah kuman yang merusak makanan, mengakibatkan keracunan, atau yang membuat kita sakit. Akan tetapi, bakteri yang berbahaya, yang kita sebut patogen hanyalah satu sisi dari kehidupan bakteri ini. Banyak dari mereka yang tidak berbahaya, beberapa bermanfaat bahkan ada yang memegang peranan penting bagi kesehatan kita. Sepanjang hidup, kita secara terus menerus menelan bakteri walaupun tanpa kita sadari. Usus yang sehat adalah rumah bagi lebih 100 trilyun bakteri. Bakteri-bakteri ini hidup di membran mukosa, sebuah lapisan selembut beludru yang menempel di dinding usus. Beberapa darinya merugikan. Namun demikian, bagi orang yang sehat hampir semua tidak berbahaya bahkan berguna bagi kesehatan. Bifidobacteria adalah salah satu contoh pahlawan kita dalam usus.
Mereka berperan membentuk ketahanan usus terhadap kolonisasi bakteri patogen. Bakteri baik yang lain, Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain dapat bertahan terhadap asam lambung dalam proses pencernaan, mencapai usus dalam keadaan hidup dan berperan dalam pencernaan sehingga bermanfaat bagi kesehatan kita.
Secara normal kita dilindungi dari bakteri merugikan oleh bakteri usus dan sistem kekebalan tubuh kita. Terkadang perkembangan bakteri merugikan ini menimbulkan kekuatan melebihi kekuatan sistem kekebalan kita dan kita menjadi sakit.
Salah satu contoh bakteri merugikan adalah Heliobacter pylori, yang sangat tahan terhadap asam. Bakteri ini banyak ditemukan hidup dalam lambung orang dewasa dan kini diketahui sebagai salah satu penyebab tukak lambung.
(Gambaran Tukak Lambung dan kuman Heliobacter pylori)
Contoh lain adalah Staphylococcus aureus, yang menyebabkan keracunan makanan dan infeksi kulit.
(Gambaran Infeksi Kulit)
Untuk beberapa infeksi, dokter memberi kita antibiotik, jenis obat yang menghambat atau membunuh bakteri tertentu. Akan tetapi, antibiotik bak pisau bermata dua, karena antibiotik seringkali juga menghancurkan bakteri berguna dalam usus dan karena itu malah mengganggu keseimbangan flora usus.
Bakteri patogen adalah bakteri parasit yang dapat menimbulkan penyakit pada organisme lain. Pada tumbuhan misalnya: Xanthomonas citri penyebab kanker batang jeruk. Erwinia trachelphilia penyebab penyakit busuk daun labu.
Pada hewan misalnya: Bacillus antraxis penyebab penyakit anthrax pada hewan ternak. Actynomyces bovis penyebab penyakit bengkak pada rahang sapi.
(Gambaran kuman Bacillus antraxis dan Penyakit Anthrax)
Pada manusia misalnya:Salmonella thyphosa penyebab penyakit tifus,
(Gambaran kuman Salmonella thyphosa dan Penderita Tifus)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis penyebab penyakit TBC,
(Gambaran kuman Mycobacterium tuberculosis dan Penyakit TBC)
Mycobacterium leprae penyebab penyakit lepra,
(Gambaran Kuman Mycobacterium leprae dan Penderita Kusta)
Treponema pallidum penyebab penyakit sifilis,
(Gambaran penyakit sifilis dan penyebaran penyakit sifilis ke organ tubuh lainnya)
Vibrio cholera penyebab penyakit kolera.
(Gambaran kuman vibrio Cholerae dan tanda-tanda kolera)
Shigella dysentriae penyebab penyakit disentri basiler,
(Gambaran kuman Shigella dysentriae penyebab diare)
dan Diplococcus pneumoniae penyebab penyakit radang paru-paru
(Gambaran kuman Diplococcus pneumonia dan penderita radang paru-paru)
Salah satu pertahanan tubuh kita melawan bakteri patogen adalah sistim imun kita sendiri, misalnya aktifitas sel darah putih dalam melawan bakteri.
Perak tidak akan turut campur dalam aktifitas sel darah putih secara langsung,sebaliknya perak (oligodinamic ag+) akan membantu secara tidak langsung dalam meningkatkan aktifitas sel darah putih sehingga dengan cara ini membantu meningkatkan sistim imun.
Perak akan membantu sel T untuk melawan microorganisme asing yang ada di dalam darah,membentuk sistim imun sekunder dengan cara turut campur dalam membunuh bakteri yang merugikan bagi sel (dr.Gary Smith).
Oligodynamic ag + akan melakukan penetrasi ke dalam membrane sel bakteri dan dikarenakan ukurannya yang sangat kecil (nano partikel) penetrasi dari oligodinamik ag+ dapat mengubah integritas membran sel , ikatan esensial protein dan DNA pada microorganisme sehingga menjadi tidak stabil dan metabolisme sel mulai mengalami proses kehancuran dimana reaksi enzim esensial yang mengatur kehidupan sel microorganisme menjadi lumpuh dan menyebabkan microorganisme tidak bisa membelah diri dan sel-sel imun tubuh menjalankan fungsi fagositasnya dengan menelan dan menghancurkan microorganisme (dr.Barlev Lenson,Indonesia dan Journal Medicine,Eric J.Rentz,Florida USA,June 2003).
Bagaimana Cara Kerja Ionic Silver Gt (Oligodynamic Ag +) Terhadap Virus
Virus adalah parasit berukuran mikroskopik yang menginfeksi sel organisme biologis. Virus hanya dapat bereproduksi di dalam material hidup dengan menginvasi dan memanfaatkan sel makhluk hidup karena virus tidak memiliki perlengkapan selular untuk bereproduksi sendiri. Dalam sel inang, virus merupakan parasit obligat dan di luar inangnya menjadi tak berdaya. Biasanya virus mengandung sejumlah kecil asam nukleat (DNA atau RNA, tetapi tidak kombinasi keduanya) yang diselubungi semacam bahan pelindung yang terdiri atas protein, lipid, glikoprotein, atau kombinasi ketiganya. Genom virus menyandi baik protein yang digunakan untuk memuat bahan genetik maupun protein yang dibutuhkan dalam daur hidupnya.
Istilah virus biasanya merujuk pada partikel-partikel yang menginfeksi sel-sel eukariota (organisme multisel dan banyak jenis organisme sel tunggal), sementara istilah bakteriofag atau fag digunakan untuk jenis yang menyerang jenis-jenis sel prokariota (bakteri dan organisme lain yang tidak berinti sel).
Virus sering diperdebatkan statusnya sebagai makhluk hidup karena ia tidak dapat menjalankan fungsi biologisnya secara bebas. Karena karakteristik khasnya ini virus selalu terasosiasi dengan penyakit tertentu, baik pada manusia (misalnya virus influenza dan HIV), hewan (misalnya virus flu burung), atau tanaman (misalnya virus mosaik tembakau/TMV).
( flu baby H1N1) ( virus hiv) (virus influenza) (virus flu burung)
Virus akan menyerang sel hidup didalam jaringan tubuh,kemudian virus yang tersembunyi dan membahayakan ini akan mengambil alih nukleus didalam sel dan mengubah rantai produksi dan reproduksi untuk keperluan virus berkembang biak daripada untuk keperluan ensim,hormone,senyawa kimia lainnya didalam sel yang biasanya digunakan untuk sel itu sendiri. Kemudian virus akan menghasilkan virus yang baru lagi untuk di lepaskan dan keluar dari sel menuju aliran darah.
Namun ada suatu kejadian unik yang terjadi, dimana biasanya virus mempengaruhi sel untuk kepentingan virus itu sendiri ,sebagian reaksi pertahanan dari sel hidup adalah berubah menjadi bentuk yang lebih primitif baik dalam struktur sel maupun dalam bentuk kimiawi,dimana ensim metabolisme oksigen atau kimia paru didalam dinding sel akan ikut berubah bentuk juga menjadi bentuk yang lebih primitive,dimana biasanya metabolisme oksigen ini diperlukan untuk proses kimia didalam sel. Perubahan bentuk dari ensim yang menjadi lebih primitive ini biasanya akan rapuh dan mudah dipengaruhi oleh ionik koloidal perak dalam bentuk peristiwa efek katalis(poten enzim inhibitor). Pengaruh dari ionik koloidal perak, pada sel hidup yang telah berubah menjadi lebih primitive akan menyebabkan ensim metabolisme oksigen menjadi permanen cacat sehingga fungsi dari mengantarkan keperluan oksigen ke dalam sel menjadi gagal,dan virus yang ada di dalam sel akan mati karena ketiadaan oksigen, tubuh sekarang menghasilkan sel mati yang di mengandung virus, dimana virus akan ikut dieliminasi bersama dengan jutaan sel mati yang kegunaannya berakhir setiap hari (bagian proses dari regenerasi sel).
Cara Kerja Ionic Silvergt (Oligodynamic Ag + ) Terhadap Infeksi Parasit
Parasit adalah hewan renik yang dapat menurunkan produktivitas sel induk yang ditumpanginya. Parasit dapat menyerang manusia dan hewan, seperti menyerang kulit manusia. Parasitoid adalah parasit yang menggunakan jaringan organisme lainnya untuk kebutuhan nutrisi mereka sampai orang yang ditumpangi meninggal karena kehilangan jaringan atau nutrisi yang dibutuhkan.
(ascaris lumbricoides) (telur cacing pita) (Trichuris egg) (telur tape worm) (cacing kremi)
Perak bekerja terhadap parasit dalam tahap telur. Dimana parasit ini berkembang biak dengan bertelur biasanya memiliki karakteristik yang sama dengan enzim metabolisme oksigen sebagai bakteri primitif bersel tunggal. Perak akan bekerja sebagai katalis enzim inhibitor yang menghalangi pasokan oksigen ke dalam sel bentuk primitive atau bersel tunggal. Tanpa pasokan oksigen maka telur ini tidak bisa menetas, dan mati.
Ionic Silver Gt Berperan Sebagai Stem Sel Dalam Penyembuhan Luka dan Regenerasi Sel
Penyembuhan, seperti semua proses biologis lainnya, adalah proses selular. Terjadinya luka segera memicu timbulnya proses ini, yang terus sampai cedera itu sembuh.Meskipun modus yang tepat kerjanya belum dipahami, jelas bahwa mekanisme umpan balik memantau tingkat kerusakan jaringan dan menyesuaikan aktivitas selular di daerah yang terluka untuk menghasilkan jumlah pasti penyembuhan yang dibutuhkan. Sebagaimana digunakan di sini, istilah "luka" mengacu pada kerusakan jaringan atau kerugian dalam bentuk apapun, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada pemotongan, sayatan (termasuk Insisi bedah), lecet, luka, patah tulang, memar, luka bakar, dan amputasi.
Penyembuhan proses dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi tiga jenis, ditentukan oleh bagaimana sel-sel di daerah luka bereaksi terhadap cedera :
Jenis paling sederhana atau tipe pertama dari penyembuhan adalah penyembuhan scarification ( jaringan parut), dimana sel-sel di tepi luka memproduksi kolagen dan serat elastis yang hanya mengikat tepi luka bersama tanpa memulihkan saraf terputus atau pembuluh darah. Jenis ini menghasilkan penyembuhan bekas luka terlihat, dan kadang-kadang hasil di mati rasa dan tidak mampu peredaran darah di daerah luka dan wilayah tambahan distal. Pada hewan tingkat tinggi, termasuk manusia, jantung, otot rangka, dan jaringan saraf (termasuk otak) sembuh dengan scarification.
Tipe kedua dari penyembuhan adalah penggantian jaringan, dimana sel-sel dari beberapa jaringan tubuh menghasilkan lebih banyak sel dari jenis mereka sendiri untuk menggantikan bagian yang hilang. Pada manusia, kulit dan bagian dari saluran pencernaan sembuh dengan penggantian. Dalam penyembuhan jenis ini, tingkat penggantian sel-sel di daerah luka meningkat untuk menghasilkan jumlah yang cukup sel untuk membantu menyembuhkan cedera, kemudian kembali normal penyembuhan setelah selesai. Penggantian ini cukup efektif hanya jika sel-sel normal dari jenis yang dibutuhkan yang ada di daerah itu, dan hanya untuk tipe sel tertentu yang mampu menyembuhkan dengan cara ini. Penggantian seringkali tidak memadai untuk penyembuhan luka kulit ketebalan penuh, yang sering menyembuhkan dengan epithelisasi (pembentukan jaringan epitel) yang terbatas ulang, sehingga kurang innervated (jaringan saraf kurang terbentuk sempurna), dan inelastis kulit tipis, sedangkan kerusakan jaringan lunak subkutan menyembuhkan terutama oleh scarification. Namun, hasil tersebut adalah bersifat memadai untuk fungsi jika luka pada bagian tubuh atau kaki (kecuali tangan).
Paling efektif dan yang paling kompleks adalah tipe ketiga dari penyembuhan adalah regenerasi. Jenis penyembuhan mampu mengganti seluruh anggota badan dan organ internal, dan bahkan bagian dari otak dan jantung.. Pada tahap pertama, normal, sel-sel dewasa pada situs cedera kembali ke terspesialisasi, bentuk embrio ("de-diferensiasi"). Sel-sel ini berkembang biak dengan cepat, kemudian menjadi aktif dan menunjukkan berbagai proses energik yang termasuk divisi amitotic, transfer nuklir, migrasi ke jaringan inti bebas residu, dan produksi sel-sel yang sangat besar berisi bahan nukleus dari jumlah sel de-diferensiasi individu (dengan demikian, "sel diaktifkan" adalah sel yang mengalami proses ini). Aktivasi hasil dalam akumulasi massa sel embrio cepat besar yang dikenal sebagai tunas, yang merupakan elemen penting untuk regenerasi. Tunas ini dapat dipandang sebagai menyediakan bahan baku biologis yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun kembali jaringan yang hilang: pembentukan hasil tunas yang memadai dalam regenerasi lengkap dari jaringan yang hilang, sedangkan jika tunas itu tidak memadai dalam ukuran, hanya sebagian atau tidak lengkap terjadinya regenerasi (pembentukan bagian terhambat atau tidak lengkap, atau hanya regenerasi jaringan jenis individu yang tidak sepenuhnya diatur dalam struktur yang diinginkan). Pada tahap kedua dari proses regenerasi, sel-sel embrio tunas yang respecialize ("re-membedakan") ke dalam berbagai jenis sel yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun kembali jaringan yang hilang dan struktur disusun secara detail anatomi lengkap. Proses pembangunan kembali pada dasarnya merupakan rekapitulasi (meskipun dalam skala lokal) dari perkembangan embrio asli dari jaringan yang diganti.
Dalam vertebrata, penyembuhan regeneratif ditemukan dalam spesies tertentu amfibi (terutama salamander. Hal ini hampir sama sekali kekurangan pada manusia, kecuali pada janin dan anak-anak yang sangat muda (yang mungkin regenerasi ujung distal jari jika luka dibiarkan terbuka). Pada orang dewasa, regenerasi sebagian besar terbatas pada bagian-bagian dari proses penyembuhan fraktur. Jelas, akan menguntungkan jika manusia bisa regenerasi jaringan yang rusak lainnya, baik dari segi modalitas pengobatan yang lebih efektif-biaya dan hasil yang lebih baik bagi pasien.
Mekanisme ion perak membantu membangun kembali jaringan telah dipelajari selama lebih dari satu dekade oleh dr.Robert O. Becker, MD, Becker Biomagnetics, Lowville, New York. Dr. Robert O. Becker pertama melaporkan temuan-temuannya pada Konferensi Internasional Pertama Perak dan Emas di Kedokteran, cosponsored oleh The Institute Silver tahun 1987.
Pada tanggal 29 September 1998, dr. Robert O.Becker menerima paten Amerika Serikat (5.814.094) untuk perangkat, bahan dan teknik yang terlibat dalam regenerasi jaringan menggunakan ion perak.
Setelah beberapa ratus kasus, dr. Robert O.Becker berpendapat bahwa teknik regenerasi jaringan menggunakan ionik perak bekerja dalam tiga tahap.
o Tahap pertama adalah kombinasi aktif bebas antara ionik perak dengan semua bakteri atau jamur yang ada dalam luka, dimana bakteri dan jamur akan menjadi tidak aktif dalam waktu 20 sampai 30 menit.
o Tahap kedua (biasanya muncul dalam beberapa hari )adalah ionik perak bekerja pada sel fibroblas (sel yang biasanya menyebabkan penyembuhan luka dengan bekas luka formasi) menyebabkan sel fibroblast untuk kembali ke bentuk asal mereka yaitu embrionik,dan bentuk embrionik ini akan menjadi sel-sel induk (stem cell). Dimana stem sel ini merupakan blok bangunan universal yang berperan untuk merekonstruksi kembali jaringan yang baru dan meregenerasi mengikuti struktur jaringan yang asli, bukan hanya untuk membentuk jaringan bekas luka saja.
o Pada tahap akhir, ionik perak akan membentuk kompleks dengan sel-sel hidup di daerah luka untuk di konversi menjadi stem sel. Pada saat stem sel ini membanjiri luka, stem sel akan dengan cepat di konversi menjadi jaringan baru normal dewasa sama dengan struktur sel sebelum jenis luka yang ada terjadi. Hasil akhir dari konversi ini adalah pemulihan lengkap semua struktur anatomi termasuk saraf dan suplai darah tanpa pembentukan bekas luka. Dalam semua kasus ditangani, tidak ada bukti argyria (perubahan warna kulit) atau efek samping lainnya yang tercatat.
Tidak ada pengobatan lain yang dikenal dapat menyediakan jumlah yang cukup untuk stem sel embrio yang diperlukan untuk regenerasi sejati pada jaringan manusia dan hewan yang rusak atau hancur. Keberhasilan ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya suatu potensi keberhasilan tidak hanya untuk penyembuhan luka dipermukaan saja tetapi untuk perbaikan regenerasi organ seperti jantung, hati, otak dan sumsum tulang belakang.
Kondisi tubuh mungkin sudah mengalami kekebalan terhadap anti-biotik yang ada, akan tetapi tidak akan menjadi kebal terhadap Ionic Silver Water – juga tidak menimbulkan efek samping yang lain.
Merupakan anti-septik yang alami dan tidak mengandung alkohol dan bahan kimia.
Dengan penggunaan dosis yang tepat dan teratur memberikan manfaat maksimal dan tidak bersifat ketergantungan.
Proteksi untuk diri kita dari masalah lingkungan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, antara lain, sumber air dan udara disekitar kita yang telah tercemar dengan berbagai polutan.
Harganya yang terjangkau dan sangat ekonomis dibandingkan dengan produk lain yang sejenis yang ada di luar negeri dan juga mempunyai kualitas yang prima.