Colloidal Silver acts as a powerful, broad-spectrum antimicrobial
agent. An ordinary antibiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease
organisms (no viruses), but colloidal silver is known to be effective
against over 650 disease organisms without causing any known side-effects.
A normal individual excretes 98% of ionic colloidal silver in 24 hours,
which accounts for part of its safety. Many essential minerals such as
copper and iron are released very slowly and thus an overdose can cause
long term problems!
Early studies showed extremely low concentrations of 0.01-0.04 PPM
of colloidal silver to be effective on hundreds of bacteria and 3 to 5 PPM
effective on over 650! The potency or quality varied widely, which accounted
for the broad range, and sadly is still a problem with much of the cheap
colloidal silver generator equipment and weird procedures available on the
internet. Adding salt, as many suggest, makes silver chloride, NOT recommended
for internal use, NOT a colloid and thus a poor medicine! The use of
high voltage AC is stupid, for a very low voltage DC process, and often
produces dangerous nitrogen compounds! There is not a single HVAC unit on
the market with UL or CSA approval for home use!
The EPA reference dose for daily lifetime consumption is (14)
teaspoons a day of 5 PPM colloidal silver. I.E. no danger or side effects
for an sensitive individual taking that dose daily for 70 years! The
generally accepted maintenance dose of one tablespoon/day is far less
then that. Many say that just 2 to 4 drops a day are effective
(Homeopathic dose). The fact that ionic colloidal silver has more ions of
silver per ounce then your body has cells makes your requirement very low.
There can of course be no standard as we all react differently and have
different microbial levels and intake. As a new user, be aware of the
Herxheimer effect, which any good antibacterial can cause. You may start
to feel better and then get the symptoms of the flu as your elimination
system is overloaded getting rid of dead pathogens. It is a very common
problem with bacteria such as spirochetes, as found with Lyme and syphilis
diseases but not with most pathogens.
The only know side effect (Argyria) would require a dose of many
ounces a day for a whole year, although we found no documented cases
where ionic colloidal silver caused Argyria, but it was usually from
compounds such as silver nitrate, the most common injectable form used by
doctors! The estimated fatal dose for humans from Goodman and Gillman is
10 grams of silver OR 500 gallons of 5 PPM in ONE DOSE! There are
cases of accidental ingestion of silver compounds in excess of (10 grams),
that have survived!
Research studies from 1912 to 1950's, showed concentrations of 3-5
parts per million (PPM) of colloidal silver to be effective. The ionic
(positively charged) nature is considered the primary benefiting feature
of Colloidal Silver, it being able to aggressively attach to microbial
agents, to kill them. In addition, its naturally small size, permits it
to pass thru cell membranes, which is the only way to get to a virus, as
they multiply in your cells, using your cells functions to replicate their DNA!
The non-ionic or elemental pure silver metal has very limited
antibacterial properties but no effect on virus as the particle size
is too large to pass thru cell membranes (the ionic particle size is
said to be 1/400 the size of a red blood cell).
Compounds of silver, such as silver nitrate are fairly effective
but highly dangerous due to the toxic side effects of nitrates, thus finding
most medical use as an external or topical treatment, such as salves
and in newborn's eyes to prevent infection. The ionic colloidal form can
not be made in strengths greater then 25 PPM, as metallic silver
crystals will then form. Those honestly selling 50-500 PPM sell silver
protein (ions complexed with a protein) but it has a very short shelf life,
being subject to the growth of mold!
It has been shown that the ion of silver is 300 to 17,000 times more
effective then metallic silver or silver salts! One study by the
Canadian Government clearly demonstrated the effacy of the ionic form:
Ions are of course the smallest possible particle of silver and have a
positive charge, due to their being short an electron, greatly aiding
their reactivity and bio-availability.
By 1940 there were over 50 silver based medicines on the market in
oral, injectable and topical forms. Many may still be available such as:
Albargin, Argonin, Argyrol, Largin, Lumosol, Novargan, Proganol and Silvol.
Few of these were colloids (the most effective form), many had limited
shelf life and none were as effective as silver nitrate (bad side effects).
All medicines have side effects which must be closely watched
as many can be very serious, but few are as safe as colloidal silver! The
PDR(Physicians Desk Reference) and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
lists only Argyria for silver, silver colloids or compounds, but only at
extreme doses. They also indicate no cases of cancer formation! My heart
medicine lists 3% chance of liver failure (I die?) amongst dozens of
other serious risks, with very low doses! Extra strength Tylanol is said
to be fatal with just 11 tablets, causing liver failure! Two law suits
involving user deaths from less then 6 tablets were settled for millions
of dollars.
Colloidal Silver is a solution in which microscopic, electrically
charged particles of Silver are in suspension, due to their zeta
charges repelling each other. Free positively charged ions or monovalent
silver also are present, the more effective form of silver! We try to
optimize the production of those free ions, in our generator.
A true colloid is very stable and has a long shelf life (years), while
poorly produced product has few free ions and many clumps or crystals
of silver or silver compounds which have a very short shelf life (the
silver settles out), large size of particles and thus very limited
bio-availability or effectiveness.
For the many features and benefits of the ionic form, see out web page
about ions, atoms, etc.
Electrolysis, of pure water with a silver electrode, strips ions of
silver from the positive electrode and places them in solution. Being
positively charged, they are attracted to the cathode or ground electrode
but have a very slow speed due to the water resistance.
The cathode should be stainless steel to avoid contamination. Ideally most
Ions remain in solution but some make it to the cathode, which must be cleaned
after use, of the soft deposit of silver.
To produce a pure product at 3-5 PPM you must use very pure water
(less then 1 PPM) and at least 99.9% pure silver. Current flow must be
carefully controlled to prevent crystalline growth of silver into large
molecules rather then free ions. Most generators and suggested methods
(salting) on the market today fail to produce an ionic Colloidal Silver!
Electrolytically formed Colloidal Silver was the only form approved by
the FDA, but some products on the market use finely ground silver or
chemically dissolved silver, neither of which are active ions or have
the exceptional properties of the colloidal or ionic form. The current
rage is High Voltage AC "colloidal silver", which is a carnival approach
to a simple process requiring a few volts of DC! It produces a very
questionable solution with often very depressed pH from nitrogen breakdown
product in the high temperature arc.
Water from your faucet has 100 to 300 PPM of dissolved solids and
thus could not be used to produce 3 to 5 PPM of Colloidal Silver. What
you would get is no ions and over 100 PPM of silver compounds. You must use
distilled or de-ionized water (usually less then 1 PPM of contamination)
so you produce ions (a Colloid) and almost no compounds. At the 1 PPM
levels almost nothing would be dangerous, while at 100 PPM the compounds
produced could be dangerous levels for human consumption.
Many generator manufacturers suggest adding Celtic Sea salt to pure
water to speedup the process but the product produced has no ions of
silver, just compounds of silver, many of which have limited benefit
or are dangerous to your health, i.e. silver chloride, silver nitrate, etc.
You may recall silver nitrate is used at birth to flush the eyes of babies
to prevent infection but it is not recommended for internal consumption, as
the nitrates are very dangerous! Silver chloride is nearly insoluable in
water and thus the silver is not bio-available!
The greatest misrepresentation of Colloidal Silver products is
particle sizing. If any of the silver particles are larger than 0.001
microns (an ions size), they can remain within the tissues and cause a
bluing of the skin developing into a condition called Argyria. Ionic
silver (as produced by our generator) has been shown to be 92 - 98%
excreted in 24 hours! Many of the generators on the market produce silver
crystals or compounds, all of which are too large and should not be used!
Having no charge, they are non-active, ineffective and potentially harmful.
Colloidal Silver is known to kill 650 different kinds of pathogens,
including bacteria, fungus and viruses in addition to many others. This
is accomplished by inhibiting the enzyme which allows the oxygen
metabolism in single celled microbes. It does so in minutes, safely,
with no side effects and no resistant strains developed, as with
Humans (and other animals) absorb it so rapidly due to its small ion size
that it is absorbed by the blood before it can reach the gut (antibiotics
very large molecules absorb so slowly they travel into the gut and kill
your normal friendly bacteria (needed for good health in the intestines).
Early medical research indicated silver is stored in the Kupfer
cells in the liver. These cells are one of the bodies defense mechanisms
against infection. Little mention is found in current literature of this
very important added effectiveness of silver.
The generally recommended maintenance dosage for adults is one
tablespoon per day of 3-5 PPM Colloidal Silver internally. This happens
to be the computed amount of elemental silver we used to get from eating
fresh fruits and vegetables when they were part or our diet in the early
1900's. Since then soil depletion caused by over farming has seriously
reduced all trace minerals, including silver, by 85%.
To treat an infection, much larger doses are suggested, but no
standard can be found. There have been studies where taking (8) ounces
a day for weeks produced no negative side effects, however, in a few
rare cases kill off of friendly intestinal bacteria occurred. This is
a normal problem with antibiotics! We have a customer who had a severe
liver infection which was considered untreatable by his Doctor but it
cleared up in two weeks with a dose of 32 ounces/day! The most common
mention of dosage for treating serious infections is a tablespoon every
few hours or an ounce a day for a few days. Remember, the EPA says 4+
tablespoons a day for 70 years (of 5 PPM colloid) is a safe and acceptable
intake of silver. A few studies have shown the liver filters out silver
from the blood stream close to 95% in just two hours, so if ill you should
yake some every two hours!
The small particle size allows sub-lingual adsorption directly
into the blood stream, by swishing it around your mouth. Excess ions
of silver are said to be released thru normal elimination within 5
days. Only the large (non-ionic) silver particles produced by inferior
manufacture methods are retained by the body but the worse case side
effect is bluing of the skin after a year of excessive consumption. The
bad thing is that the larger particles are of little medicinal benefit!
Medical applications by doctors often require direct injection
into an infected site such as a gangrene area. Many cases have been
reported of avoiding amputation of infected limbs when treatment with
Colloidal Silver was initiated.
Dr.Henry Crooks (Use of Colloids in Health-Disease) found that
silver in the colloidal state is highly germicidal, quite harmless to
humans and absolutely non-toxic. From his bacteriological experiments
with silver he concluded, "I know of no microbe that is not killed
in laboratory experiments in six minutes".
Brooks Bradley reported: "Several years ago we conducted some rather
extensive evaluations of various protocols promising effective results
against various pathogenic agents which cause "food poisoning". The
one protocol, effective against ALL agents evaluated, was colloidal
silver. A 5 ppm solution proved effective against all pathogens tested;
yielding complete control within 6 to 8 minutes.....regardless of
concentration of the pathogenic agent. Control was effected in some
solutions as weak as one part of 5 ppm CS,to 50,000 parts contaminated
solution. Among the many agents tested were botulinum, campyobacter,
salmonella and listeria (bacterial agents); and norwalklike viruses
and hepatitus A (viral agents). Although we did not conduct researches
involving the marine form of vibrio vulnificus, generally regarded as
the most toxic of food poisons, a facility associated with us---did.
Their results, using colloidal silver at 5 ppm, paralleled those of
ours....on the pathogens we evaluated."
"Among a number of metal ions tested, Zn2+(zinc), Cu2+(copper), and
Ag1+(silver) were found to be the most effective inhibitors of renin
and the HIV protease (data not shown). Kinetic analysis revealed that
inhibition of renin by Ag1+(silver) is basically identical with that
seen with Zn2+(zinc), i. e., noncompetitive, first order with respect
to the metal." Biochemistry, September 10, 1991.
From this study, it seems that zinc and silver will work together to
destroy the HIV virus, both type 1 and type 2. Both kill HIV virus,
but don't compete against each other.
they recently issued a "FDA Talk Paper" stating that "all OTC (over the
counter)products containing colloidal silver or silver salts are not
recognized as safe and effective and are misbranded." Basically, they
have blocked the sale of colloidal silver as a drug - no health claims
can be made and it thus must be sold only as a supplement!
AS DID THE BRITISH. In Australia it is still common for settlers to
suspend a piece of silverware in their water tanks to retard spoilage.
Colloidal silver was found effective against - Germs, Bacteria,
infections, parasites, giardia, viruses, fungus and pathogens including:
Allergies, Acne, Athlete's foot, Bladder infections, Inflammation, Blood
Parasites, Blood-Poison, Boils, Burns, Candide Yeast
Infection, Chilblains, Cholera, Conjunctivitis, Cold Sores, Colitis,
Cyst-isis, Dermatitis, Diabetes caused by infection, Diphtheria, Diarrhea,
Dermatitis, Dysentery, Eczema, Fibrosities, Gangrene, Gonorrhea, Herpes,
HIV Virus, Impetigo, Influenza, Indigestion, Intestinal Infections,
Kreatitis, Leprosy, Leukemia, Lupus, Lymphangitis, Lyme Disease, Malaria,
Meningitis, Multiple Sclerosis, Neurasthenic, Parasitic Infections (oral
and fungal), Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Prostatitis, Priritis Ani, Psoriasis,
Purulence, Ophthalmia, Rhinitis, Rheumatism, Ring-worm,
Rosacea, Scarlet Fever, Septic Conditions of the eyes, ears, mouth and
throat, Sevorrhes, Shingles, Sinus Infections, Staph Infections, Strep
Infections, Stomach Ulcer, Syphilis, Thyroid, Tonsillitis, Toxemia,
Trachoma, Trench-Foot, Tuberculosis, Ulcers, All forms of Virus, Warts,
Whooping Cough and Yeast Infections.
If the government added it to our drinking water instead
of Fluoride we would all be far healthier!
The following are excerpts from "Colloidal Silver: The Amazing
alternative to Antibiotics" from The Association for Advanced Colloid
Research, and "Colloidal Silver: The Natural Antibiotic Alternative
" from Zane Baranowski, CN, Healing Wisdom Publications;
"And now it's silver that is finding wholly new uses as a wonder
drug in modern medicine...perhaps it soon will be recognized as:
OUR MIGHTIEST GERM FIGHTER " Science Digest, March, 1978
"We have had instant success with Colloidal Silver and immune
compromised patients. A few examples are: Pink eye (topical) totally
resolved in less than six hours; recurrent sinus infections (oral
ingestion) resolved in eight days; acute cuticle infections - (topical)
- twenty four hours. Another major area in which we have improved our
clinical results is in the area of bowel detoxification and dysbiosis.
The Colloidal Silver has provided excellent removal of abnormal intestinal
bacteria; also it has proved to be a great adjunct to our Candide
Albicans, Epstein Barr Virus and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome protocols
" Dr. Evan M., Kansas. "
"A 65 year-old diabetic cut himself on the leg. He washed and bandaged
it but, as often happens with diabetics, the pain persisted, and the cut
grew into a sore. Soon it became bigger than the bandage, and he had to
apply a dressing. Still, it grew bigger and ugly. In desperation he went
to a clinic. His sore was diagnosed as a 'Stasis Ulcer.' For a year, one
treatment after another was tried. Nothing, including Penicillin and
sulfonamide, could heal the ulcer. If his condition had continued
unchecked, his leg probably would have been amputated. But finally he
was referred to a clinic that treated skin ulcers with a silver compound.
This promptly stopped the growth of all bacteria. In less than two months,
the ulcer was completely healed."-Science Digest-March 1978.
"What we have actually done was rediscover the fact that silver
kills bacteria, which had been known for centuries. When antibiotics were
discovered, clinical uses for silver as an antibiotic were discarded"
concludes Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D. Extensive research into the curative
properties of silver has been conducted for many years at the Upstate
Medical Center, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y. under the direction
of above mentioned Dr. Becker. The experiments conclude that silver works
on a wide range of bacteria, without any known side-effects or damage to
the cells of the body. Silver was doing something more than killing
disease causing organisms. It was also causing major growth stimulation
of injured tissues. Dr. Becker concludes that the presence of the silver
ion may help to regenerate tissue, eliminate old or cancerous cell, and
any other diseased or abnormal condition.
The author has long believed that if we can restore our natural
immune system, our body can then rebuild damaged tissue as it
has during all of our growing years!
Dr. Leonard Keene Hirschberg, A. M., M. D. (John Hopkins) states,
"Speaking generally, the colloidal metals are especially remarkable
for their beneficial action in infective states"
Dr. Richard L. Davies, executive director of the Silver Institute,
which monitors silver technology in 37 countries, reports: "In four
years we've described 87 important new medical uses for silver. We're just
beginning to see to what extent silver can relieve suffering."
The FDA has just recently approved a few bandages containing silver,
and others are in field trials.
Human and other animal uses are well documented in many books,
health newsletters and health food stores. Among the assorted home uses
besides the above medical areas are:
general disinfectant in cleaning solutions, diaper pail, etc.
add to well or aerator water tank to kill bacteria and algae
add to stored foods or leftovers to prevent spoilage
add to bird baths and wading pools to prevent bacteria and algae
spray plants or wet soil to prevent mold and fungus damage
in the bathroom to spray on the sink and shower floor
in the kitchen for cleaning counter tops and the refrigerator
shelves and door seals
topically on skin
for your warts, cuts, bites and burns
Some applications are listed above and you may know neighbors whom
have had amazing cures with Colloidal Silver. As a general antiseptic, it
is handy to keep a small spray bottle in the bathrooms and kitchen.
In my home, I saved our goldfish which was floating on its
side and unresponsive to my touch, by changing the water and adding a
teaspoon of Colloidal Silver. In 4 hours he was able to wiggle and in
eight hours was back to normal and full of color again. I have taken just
2 days to cure gum infections from an impacted tooth and overnight to
cure itchy red rashes and dry flaky skin patches. These topical treatments
produce results in hours but need repeated treatment to kill off deep
infections. My life long problem with dandruff has finally ended since I
started spraying my hair each morning with 5 PPM colloid before combing it.
For a nose spray (mold and hay fever allergies) I squeezed out the
solution in a 1.5 oz. saline nasal spray and then stuck the tip in a ounce
of colloidal silver solution so it refilled. I only need to use this a few
times a week when my nose gets itchy/sneezy, to get relief.
Today, silver is used by the Soviets to sterilize recycled water
aboard the space stations. NASA also selected a silver water treatment
system for the space shuttle. Many of the world's airlines use silver
water filters to protect passengers from diseases such as Dysentery.
Colloidal Silver is growing in use for pool treatment to avoid the
bad side effects of chlorine, namely eye and nose irritation, respiratory
problems and dis-coloration of hair. Government regulations
stand in the way of wider use in public facilities, as they require a
residual chlorine level, which would mean dual treatment. SILDATE
(a powdered trivalent silver) is a commercial silver pool product
available at some pool supply stores. I dump leftover 5 PPM silver in my
pool and find it sharply reduces the chlorine required but also acts like
a flocculate and settles out dirt if I don't circulate for a few days.
Silvers strong anti-fungal properties have found extensive uses
in agriculture to improve germination and to accelerate growth and
development without the use of poisons to kill plant and ground fungi.
It also retards spoiling or rotting, making it quite effective in
treating feed before storage. Again, government regulations limit its
use, presumably to prevent buildup of undesirable levels in food products?
Yet they allow most meat products to be laced with antibiotics and growth
hormones. Cut flowers and Christams trees last much longer with Colloidal
Silver added, as the slimy rot is prevented, allowing water takeup.
In industry, it safely prevents fungal and bacterial growth in
process water and water based solvents, without being corrosive like
chlorine. Reduced exposure to infected solutions will of course reduce
job related sickness and absenteeism.
The best water purifiers employ silver filters for antimicrobial
treatment in addition to charcoal filters for odor and gas removal and
fine porous filters for solids removal. It is not commonly known, but
most inexpensive water filter systems become breeding grounds for
bacteria, as the filter is rarely changed often enough and the collected
solids become food for bacteria.

ELEMENTAL SILVER - The pure metal silver as in coins.
COLLOIDAL SILVER - Ions (positively charged) of silver
dispersed in water.
COMPOUND - A chemically bonded combination of two or
more different elements. Properties are distinct
from those of the constituents.
ION - The smallest particle of an element and having
a positive charge, thus making it reactive.
CELTIC SEA SALT - Salt from the Celtic Sea, containing many compounds
besides the normal sodium chloride in table salt.
TROY OUNCE - Unit of weight for nobel metals. 12 Troy Ounces = 1 Pound.
PPM - Parts Per Million by weight of a mixture such as 5 oz silver in
1,000,000 oz. water is 5 PPM.
SOLUTION - One material dissolved in another, such as salt in water.
SUSPENSION - One material uniformly 'floating' in another.
Read how to properly build a Colloidal Silver Generator
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