Colloidal Silver Kills Listeria
Colloidal Silver Kills Listeria
As pointed out in the news article below, the FDA has approved the spraying of a viral cocktail onto many of the foods we eat.
The FDA’s justification for this act of insanity is that many foods, such as lunch meats, poultry and more, can contain a bacteria called Listeria monocytogenes which can cause serious episodes of food poisoning for people with weakened immune systems (think AIDS patients), and to a lesser degree children with undeveloped immune systems and pregnant women.
Apparently, the viruses they will now be allowing food manufacturers to spray on the foods we eat have the ability to infect these rare food-poisoning bacteria, reproduce prolifically inside of them, and cause them to burst open, thereby releasing even more viruses onto the food which in turn go on the hunt for more of the targeted bacteria.
While this kills off the infectious Listeria pathogen on the food, it leaves people like you and me in the incredible position of having to eat viruses just to protect ourselves from this food poisoning bacteria.
There are so many serious problems with this idea, I won’t take the time to mention them here. Byron Richards, who wrote the comprehensive article below, has done an excellent job of listing the health-robbing flaws in the FDA’s latest bout with sheer idiocy.
What I will mention is these two facts:
Fact #1: Listeria Is Very Rare
First of all, only about 2,500 people per year get serious Listeria infections.
In other words, all of the rest of us now have to eat virus-coated foods in order to “protect” those 2,500 people (most of who are AIDS patients). This is an outrage, and the FDA needs to hear what you have to say about it.
Fact #2: Colloidal Silver Kills Listeria
Secondly, and most importantly, colloidal silver has long been known to kill Listeria monocytogens.
In fact, recent tests by independent clinical labs at the behest of a company called NVID International, Inc. (developer of a municipal drinking water purification system that uses ionic silver to rid drinking water of pathogens) showed that silver ions can kill Listeria within minutes.
You can read more on this in my recent post titled “Ionic Silver Purifies Municipal Drinking Water” here at the Colloidal Silver Secrets blog.
Why Would the FDA Do Such A Stupid Thing?
So why would the FDA allow food manufacturers to spray the foods we eat with viruses in order to help control the Listeria bacteria, when instead they could simply have them spray the foods with small amounts of safe, simple colloidal silver?
You know the answer: The FDA has engaged in a long war against the use of colloidal silver ever since their “Final Ruling” in 1999 when they made the ludicrous assertion that colloidal silver is not a “safe and effective” infection-fighting agent.
And no matter how many studies to the contrary disprove the FDA's fallacious argument, made at the behest of the big drug companies, the FDA simply will not back down. They would rather have us eat virus-laden foods in order to help prevent Listeria infections, than admit their mistake and okay the use of safe, simple colloidal silver instead.
You Don't Have to Be a Victim
But you don’t have to be a victim of this bureaucratic insanity. By owning the means of colloidal silver production, you can protect yourself from food-borne infection and disease quickly, easily and effectively. You can spray colloidal silver directly on the food you eat. Or simply take a small amount with meals. For example, I like to add anywhere from a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful to my milk, juice or water whenever I eat.
So be sure to take the time to learn more about the use of high-quality colloidal silver generators to produce your own colloidal silver for only pennies per quart, rather than paying greedy colloidal silver vendors up to $29 for a tiny four-ounce bottle.
And be sure to learn all of the fascinating ways you can use colloidal silver to protect yourself, by getting an inexpensive copy of the brand new, studio-quality, 60-minuite Colloidal Silver Secrets video (under $20 for a limited time only), in which I personally demonstrate and discuss dozens of highly effective ways to protect yourself and your family against infection and disease with colloidal silver.
With the government now allowing the spraying of viruses directly onto our foods, many more health problems are likely to be caused than resolved. But safe, natural colloidal silver has long been known as one of the world's best remedies for preventing food poisoning and fighting infectious microorganisms.
Learn more about colloidal silver, and act. When your own government starts spraying the food you eat with viruses, it is in your best interest to take matters into your own hands, and do whatever it takes to protect yourself and your family.
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